Welcome to Sthetix In Stone
STHETIX today continues since decades as a small niche designer for marble and stone products. Beyond designing to deliver the finest handcrafted marble and stone products; TIME is the most critical investment we make to achieve this level of finishing. Every product evolves over weeks & months depending on the complexity of the Sthetix creation. The craft started with designing Marble bases which could be fitted out for lamps & lighting. It now extends application not just to enhance the exterior, but to increase the perceptive commercial value of any exclusive building or interior project. For the past 40 years the motivation has been to keep improving to deliver a finer craft. This has made the marble or stone product lighter by designing and craft that enables utility plus impact in modern urban homes & flats. A handful of craftsmen have imbibed the Sthetix culture, learning to push the boundaries of their skills to achieve greater detailing and fineness not seen before. Precision installation with minimal disruption on site for marble panels and mural elements - is the additional skill developed over the years.